About Me

My photo
Levelland, Texas, United States
We became a family of 3 on July 12, 2011. It was the greatest day of our lives. We were surrounded by our family...just like we like it! Before Braxie our time was spend working with animals...steers, pigs, sheep and goats! We love stock showing and farming. This is what has made us the couple we are. We also love to work in the yard, ride four wheelers, go to the lake and spoil our nieces and nephew. Braxie has changed our world so very much! We love her more than anything. We can't wait to watch her grow up in the show ring. She already has her very own show stick...thanks to our dear Day friends. I will try my very hardest to keep this blog updated but if I don't please just know that it is because I am spending time with Miss B (aka Braxie) and Bryan.
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas and 5 month pictures

My sister and I took the girls to have their pictures made so we could give them out for Christmas. Here are just a few of my favorites.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Can girls be Bull Riders?

If so then I think that is what she is going to be when she grows up!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas at Great-Grandma Janette's

Saturday evening we went to Lubbock and celebrated Christmas with Bryan's grandmother, aunts and uncles. We had so much fun and it was so great to see everyone.

Grandma and 4 of her great grandbabies!

Braxie and Great Grandma Janette.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Who needs a recliner?

Who needs a recliner when you have a nice high chair that you can prop your feet up on and get fed?

She loves eating cereal and peas mixed together!

Nibbling on our thumb between bites!

Life is great!!!

Happy Turkey Day!

Yes I know...I'm posting this a few weeks late! Braxie spent her 1st Thanksgiving in true Albus fashion...at Pep! We had a great time and of course the food was great (even better since we didn't have to cook it or clean up after it...lol!)

Of course Braxie's daddy had to buy her a Thanksgiving outfit and in my opinion she looked just precious in it!

So I'm not a photographer and couldn't make this next picture turn out all "cutesy" but I thought her little feet in these sweet little white shoes were just adorable!

Can't believe my baby girl has already celebrated her 1st Thanksgiving and we will soon be celebrating her 1st Christmas! Where has the time gone? Bryan and I enjoy her more and more each day and love watching her grow. She has learned to laugh and next to hearing her heart beat on the sonograms this is the greatest sound I have ever heard. It makes me cry...tears of joy of course! We love you sugar pie!