About Me

My photo
Levelland, Texas, United States
We became a family of 3 on July 12, 2011. It was the greatest day of our lives. We were surrounded by our family...just like we like it! Before Braxie our time was spend working with animals...steers, pigs, sheep and goats! We love stock showing and farming. This is what has made us the couple we are. We also love to work in the yard, ride four wheelers, go to the lake and spoil our nieces and nephew. Braxie has changed our world so very much! We love her more than anything. We can't wait to watch her grow up in the show ring. She already has her very own show stick...thanks to our dear Day friends. I will try my very hardest to keep this blog updated but if I don't please just know that it is because I am spending time with Miss B (aka Braxie) and Bryan.
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas and 5 month pictures

My sister and I took the girls to have their pictures made so we could give them out for Christmas. Here are just a few of my favorites.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Can girls be Bull Riders?

If so then I think that is what she is going to be when she grows up!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas at Great-Grandma Janette's

Saturday evening we went to Lubbock and celebrated Christmas with Bryan's grandmother, aunts and uncles. We had so much fun and it was so great to see everyone.

Grandma and 4 of her great grandbabies!

Braxie and Great Grandma Janette.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Who needs a recliner?

Who needs a recliner when you have a nice high chair that you can prop your feet up on and get fed?

She loves eating cereal and peas mixed together!

Nibbling on our thumb between bites!

Life is great!!!

Happy Turkey Day!

Yes I know...I'm posting this a few weeks late! Braxie spent her 1st Thanksgiving in true Albus fashion...at Pep! We had a great time and of course the food was great (even better since we didn't have to cook it or clean up after it...lol!)

Of course Braxie's daddy had to buy her a Thanksgiving outfit and in my opinion she looked just precious in it!

So I'm not a photographer and couldn't make this next picture turn out all "cutesy" but I thought her little feet in these sweet little white shoes were just adorable!

Can't believe my baby girl has already celebrated her 1st Thanksgiving and we will soon be celebrating her 1st Christmas! Where has the time gone? Bryan and I enjoy her more and more each day and love watching her grow. She has learned to laugh and next to hearing her heart beat on the sonograms this is the greatest sound I have ever heard. It makes me cry...tears of joy of course! We love you sugar pie!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Never Enough Sparkles!!!

I've been wanting to buy Braxie a tutu but just can't talk myself into paying $40.00 for something that I know she won't wear that often. So, one day I went online and found directions on how to make tutus. I went to Hobby Lobby and bought the tulle and elastic. I made this tutu for 1/4 of the price of the ones online or in stores. I did find out that YES there can be too much glitter. When I bought the tulle they had some with glitter in it...BAD mistake. I have glitter all over my house! After I took this picture it was bath time...I found glitter in Braxie's belly button! The next tutu I make will not be with the glittered tulle...LOL!

This is the only picture I could get that she either didn't have the tutu in her mouth or she didn't have her legs up in the air showing off her diaper.

(November 16, 2011)

What in the WORLD is this stuff?

Dr. G gaves us the go ahead to start Braxie on cereal. We tried some for the first time on Monday night and she wasn't that crazy about it. We tried again last night and she was opening her mouth wide for each bite. She loves to play with her bib and I laugh because she somehow gets her bib up to her face and wipes off the cereal that is all over her mouth. Maybe she will have some table manners when she gets older...lol!

My blue eyed baby girl trying cereal for the first time.

(November 14, 2011)

Early Christmas Present

Bryan and I were hoping to be able and wait and get Braxie a stationary bouncy seat for Christmas but she loves to stand and play so we went on and got her an early Christmas present. She really enjoys being in it and watching all of the lights flash. I have a video of her in it on my phone and if I can figure out how to get it on here I'll post it. For the time being here is a picture of Daddy putting together her bouncy seat. He wasn't very happy with me for taking the picture but he can just get over it...lol!

4 Generations

I wanted a generation picture while we were in San Angelo visiting GG Freeman. I'm not sure what was going on with my hair...I look like a big goofy clown...but this picture isn't about me! It's about the wonderful women in my life...GG Freeman, Beeba and Miss Braxie. I have some great women to look up too and I hope some day Braxie can say the same about me.

Miss Braxie, Me, Beeba, GG Freeman

(November 12, 2011)

4 Months Old

This was one of the best weekends I've had in a long time. We headed to San Angelo last weekend to watch Jordan show her pigs and surprise the Great-Grandparents with a visit while we were there. Memaw and Papa Mims were out of town so we did not get to see them (sad face.) Braxie did get to meet Great Grandma Freeman and Great Grandpa Freeman. Aunt Nancy, Uncle Donald, and cousin Monica also came over to see us.

I placed Braxie in the floor at GG Freeman's and what do you know...she rolled from her back to her tummy! I was so proud of her! My little girl is growing up WAY to fast! But at the same time her funny personality is starting to come out more each day and I LOVE it!

Braxie and Great Grandma Freeman

Headed to Plains to watch Miss Jordan show her pigs

Braxie, Bryan and I wen to Plains the other morning to help Cody, Whitney and Jordan at the pig show. Jordan did a great job showing and we even got to watch Trista show a pig for Jordan. Trista did a fantastic job also and you would have never known she had never shown a pig before. I know the outfit Braxie wore isn't much of a "Stockshow" outfit but she just looked too cute in the turquoise and green outfit.

She wiggles ALOT and has her hands in her mouth most of the time so picture taking with my little slow camera can be quite a task at times.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Braxie's 1st Halloween!!!

Bryan and I decided to not dress Braxie in a Halloween costume...mainly because they are so bulky and the only place she went today was to daycare. So her Daddy found her this cute Halloween dress and leggings. Doesn't she look adorable? You did good Daddy!


I think the title of this post says it all!

Plum Worn Out

This is the picture of one very TIRED little girl! I'm sure she is going to love me for taking this picture one day!

3 Months Old

She is one happy baby! She has the most beautiful smile!

As I'm posting this blog I realize that in just a few days she will be 4 months. This month has gone by fast! She has learned soooo many things....mainly that she has hands and she LOVES to chew on them!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Fun Times at the South Plains Fair

Braxie attended her first (and by no means last) steer show this weekend. She did great and got lots of lovin from everyone.

All smiles for the camera. Our outfit is a little big but I was tired of everyone calling her a boy the day before so I dressed her as girlie as possible the next day.

Cousin Charleigh and Aunt Pete came out to the fair for a little while. We went over to the petting zoo to see the animals.

Charleigh had much rather look instead of pet. LOL!

Charleigh didn't know what to think of that big goat...don't worry Charleigh...neither does Aunt Marti!

Braxie's first pig sale

Braxie and I got up early one morning and went with Bryan to a pig sale. I love her little shirt...it is so true!

Random photos

I'm pretty sure she was thinking..."Why do these people keep taking my picture?" To answer that question Miss Braxie...It's because you are so precious!!!

We got a new hat (with this little flower on it) from some of our friends in New Mexico. Even her daddy thought she looked cute in it.

Braxie's 2 months old!!!

Braxie got her 2 months shots that day and so she wasn't really in the picture taking mood but let me get one decent one. I thought taking her to day care was the hardest day ever but watching my baby girl cry when getting her shots broke my heart!

Braxie's Nursery

The amazing mobile that Beeba handmade! Isn't it awesome! Braxie loves to lay in her crib and watch it.

As most of you already know we chose not to find out if we were having a boy or girl. So we decided to do a "neutral" nursery...this included denim, red and khaki colors with stars. Mom...aka Beeba...worked very hard and made some really cute bedding. Well along came Miss Braxie and her father then decides that the "neutral" bedding was more for a boy and he wanted his daughter to have a pink and brown nursery. We search many hours online and in the fabric stores (yes even Bryan went in) and could not find what he wanted. Then we came across some new material at Hobby Lobby. Beeba came back up (I don't think she was to upset about getting to spend time with her new grandaughter) and made Braxie all new bedding.

Our Beeba

I was looking back through the previous pictures I have posted of Braxie and realized we were missing a picture of a very special lady...our Beeba! Sorry Mom...we love you lots!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

First day at Daycare

This was the hardest day of my life!

She was all smiles that morning!

Miss Braxie is 1 month old


Grammie and her girls

Aunt Whitney, Jordan and Miss B

Uncle Bubba, Aunt Jen and Miss B

Memaw, Papa and Miss B

PawPaw and Miss B

Miss Braxie and her cousins

Jordan, Trista and Miss B (they don't like her one bit...lol)

Trista and Miss B

Charleigh...she was really excited about "Baxie"!

Jordan and Miss B

There is a picture of Kegan with Miss B somewhere...but I haven't found it...I'll post it as soon as I find it.